September 12, 2012

The Girl with One Eye

I woke up from a very drunken Saturday night with my makeup still on. Fuck. And why can't I see properly?? I'm missing a contact. Seriously, Lindsay? Get your shit together. I stumbled into my bathroom and reached in the box where I keep my contact lenses. Empty.

Ever since The TJ's Guy told me my glasses were funny, I haven't worn them in public.
More importantly, I had a date that night. I definitely couldn't wear my glasses on the date, so I grabbed my prescription and ran to Lenscrafters. You've never seen a more sad face than the one I gave the salesclerk when he told my contacts were "special order only."

I nearly cancelled my date, but I knew it would come off as a super lame excuse. So I did what any girl would do: I drove to the date with my glasses on, parked my car, changed into my ONE contact, and went to my date.
...What? Normal girls don't do shit like that? I don't believe you.

The Writer was a nice, Jewish guy. I didn't feel any chemistry between us, but I still had a good time. Even with one blurry eye. He moved to LA to make it in the entertainment industry, which is generally a turnoff for me. We talked about writing and I mentioned how much I love it, but that I've only dabbled in blogging. I even told him I used to blog about restaurant life. At the end of the date, I knew he was interested. He asked about a second date, and I didn't say no. I figured I could give it a second chance. I walked to my car, put on my glasses, and drove home.

Little did I know the HUGE mistake I'd made...


  1. Oh my god! What was the huge mistake?!

    1. Everyone loves a cliff hanger! You will see tomorrow ;)

    2. Love it. Keep 'em coming! :)

  2. haha! I have definitely been in your shoes, but I promise, guys DO make passes at girls who wear glasses!

    1. Looking back, I think I should have just worn the glasses. They're not so bad after all :)

  3. AHEM , where is part2? You are killin' me here!

    1. Corina, check out the post from yesterday: The Rookie Mistake. I would never leave my readers hanging for too long!

  4. Ohh DUH! lol I get it now
    lol..The one that got away puh lease!

  5. When it comes to protecting our eyes, we're constantly looking out for the best methods to do so. The prescription safety glasses I use as a construction worker are custom-made prescription ones. These goggles shield my eyes from flying objects of all shapes and sizes.



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